Volunteer With Us
Volunteers are the heart of our work in Aisling Project.
We are fortunate to have amazing people supporting our work to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people in Ballymun. As our programmes continue to expand, we continue to look for new people to join our team. The enthusiasm of our volunteers helps us to achieve our vision and it is greatly appreciated by the people of Ballymun and all of us at Aisling Project.
What we expect from volunteers:
Completion of Aisling Project Volunteer Application form
Completion of Garda Vetting Procedure
Completion of Aisling Project interview processes
Attendance at induction and training events
Adherence to the policies and procedures of Aisling Project, including child protection and health and safety
What we offer volunteers:
Relevant induction training
Child Protection training
Support and supervision.
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
Fill out our volunteer inquiry form:
European Solidarity Corps
The European Solidarity Corps is an EU funding programme for young people wishing to engage in solidary activities in a variety of areas. These range from helping the disadvantaged to humanitarian aid, as well as contributing to health and environmental action across the EU and beyond.
The programme finances projects to engage young people in solidary activities addressing societal challenges through volunteering or by setting up their own solidary projects. The programme’s ambition is not only to be more inclusive but also greener and more digital.
The European Youth Portal is a multi-lingual website addressing young people in Europe and providing access to youth-related European and national information. The aim of the European Youth Portal is to provide young people aged 13 to 30 across Europe with information and opportunities around a wide range of topics based on the EU Youth Strategy, including education, employment, participation, culture, social inclusion, health, mobility and volunteering. One of its major strengths is that this content is provided at European and national levels through a partnership between the European Commission and Eurodesk and is available in up to 27 different languages, covering 33 countries.
If you are interested in participating in this programme with our organisation in Ireland, please email info@aislingproject.ie.
2023 2024 ESC Volunteers